
MYS Rugs Bhadohi


MYS takes pride in catering to our clients through project orders. We ensure a synthesis of hand-made luxury at mechanical speeds. Our commitment to efficiency is exemplified by successful collaborations with major furniture brands in America and ongoing partnerships with independent wholesalers in Turkey, Australia, and the Middle East.
We uphold a comprehensive record-keeping system. Our design and yarn records are securely preserved for eight years, empowering clients to seamlessly resume previously discontinued collections at a moment’s notice. A commitment to both confidentiality and continuity underscores our dedication to providing exceptional service and quality to our valued clients.


At MYS, We are capable of fulfilling substantially large order of rugs at a few months’ notice.MYS collaborates with hundreds of independent weavers in the Bhadohi region to scale up its production at a short notice. As and when needed, MYS expands its reach into farther and more remote areas to access more craftspeople.

We maintain early warning systems with our suppliers about yarn availability in the global market. This keeps our clients better informed to make decisions regarding product line management.


Standardised Dyeing

We understand the need for standardization when it comes to wholesale. For our running collections, we procure our yarn by the tons so we can eliminate lot variations in texture and color. We also partner with industrial dyeing solutions in the Jaunpur region that allow us to dye yarns at unmatched speeds. Mechanization of the dyeing step makes sure we make time on all our deliveries. All our partners are industry certified and follow strict government regulations.

Quality Control

Like our custom rugs, we perform meticulous quality checks. Our raw yarn is inspected twice before proceeding to dyeing. The dyed yarn goes through a six-eye approval and color matching process. Weaving, Washing, Stretching, and finishing steps involves multiple quality controls at each step.
